Students who withdraw from a course after the drop period will not receive a 100 percent tuition refund. For more information on refund amounts, refer to the chart below.

Effective 08/01/201816 - Week9 or 8 Week5 or 4 Week2 Week
1st 8 Calendar Days100%100%50%50%
Day 9 through Week 275%30%20%10%
Week 350%20%10% 
Week 425%10%0% 
Week 520%5%0% 
Week 620%0%  
Week 710%0%  
Week 810%0%  
Week 95%   
Week 105%   
Week 110%   
Week 120%   
Week 130%   
Week 140%   
Week 150%   
Week 160%   

16 Week 60% point is Week 10
9 or 8 Week 60% point is Week 5
5 or 4 Week 60% point is Week 3
2 Week 60% point is Week 2

Withdrawal Policy

To check the latest tuition rates, please visit our main website.

Tuition Rates

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